Stand PVC-S1-2 - extended You buy from the manufacturer. Slanted plastic stand with long base made of thin hard plastic. The stand is designed for inserting a label, price tag or label. The stands are made of hard PVC or PET… In stock from € 1.20 excl. VAT from € 1.45 incl. VAT Product detail
Plexi stand AKR-S22 - double-sided You buy from the manufacturer. Plastic plexiglass stand designed for double-sided insertion of a leaflet, price tag or label. For the production of this stand we use UV-resistant acrylic - plexiglass… In stock from € 3.76 excl. VAT from € 4.55 incl. VAT Product detail
Plexi stand AKR-S57 You buy from the manufacturer. Plexiglas stand for mobile phones, smartphones, navigation, cameras and other devices or goods. The top of the stand has space for a label with a description. For the… In stock from € 3.64 excl. VAT from € 4.40 incl. VAT Product detail
Stand PVC-S2-2 - extended You buy from the manufacturer. Perpendicular plastic stand with long base made of thin hard plastic. The stand is designed for inserting a label, price tag or label. The stands are made of hard PVC… In stock from € 1.20 excl. VAT from € 1.45 incl. VAT Product detail
Plexi stand AKR-S41 You buy from the manufacturer. Interestingly designed three-sided plexiglass stand. For the production of this stand we use UV-resistant acrylic - plexiglass XT PLEXIGLAS® from German manufacturer… In stock from € 10.20 excl. VAT from € 12.34 incl. VAT Product detail